Item Ref# FS3127
Paul Kruger Monument
This small bronze washed metal statue is a depiction of Paul Kruger and the four pioneering forefathers of the Boervolk, as found in Church Square, Pretoria.
Height: 90mm
General The original statues were found in a warehouse in Lourenco Marques - now Maputo (Mozambique) during the Anglo-Boer War. The British discovered them when they sought to cut-off the supply lines of the Boers.
These statues were commissioned by the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR) through the sculptor Anton van Wouw. Van Wouw was a Dutch settler in the ZAR (Transvaal) who fell in love with the country and its people. All the statues were made in Holland.
The four Boer base statues were regarded as war trophies and General Kitchener had them shipped to the UK for his enjoyment. Their return to South Africa was never an option.
It took twenty years for the matter to be progressed when Jan Smuts (with his then fame and statesmanship) managed to renegotiate (1920) their return through Alfred Milner (Secretary of State in South Africa).
Kitchener had drowned in June 1916 during the First World War onboard a warship (HM Hampshire) - it is believed at the hands of a Boer saboteur - who's entire family had died in Kitcher's concentration camps.
In March 1921, all four Boer statues were on-route back to the Transvaal to be erected in Church Square, Pretoria in front of the Boer's Raadsaal - where they had always been destined to be. |
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Die Arogante Britte
Die Britse regering het aanvanklik beraam dat die oorlog nie meer as £10 miljoen sou kos nie.
Dit het uiteindelik £228 miljoen gekos wat selfs vir die ryk magtige Brittanje 'n duur prys was.
Die Britse "War Office" het gemeen dat 15 000 soldate die twee Republieke binne drie maande sou oorrompel.
Dit het uiteindelik 450 000 man bykans drie jaar geneem.
Die Britse verliese was 22 000 man - die Boere ongeveer 6 000 burgers.
Die grootste en mees tragiese verlies was die 26 251 Boere kinders en vrouens wat in die konsentrasiekampe gesterf het.
"Die Geskiedenis van Ottosdal Kommando" deur P.J. de Jager
Scripture |
He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. Psalm 147:3 |