Item Ref# MS7428


Boer Homes Destroyed 2

Brief description:  This medal was produced in Holland by W. Vort & Zonen of Haarlem. It was commissioned by the Mayor of Bennnebroek, P.N. van Doorninck, whose intention was to raise funds for the relief of the women and children in the concentration camps.

The sentiment of the medal harks back to the time when the Dutch had to defend themselves against Spanish occupation during the 80 year’s War and makes the analogy between this period of history and the Boer War.

Material:   Bronze
Manufacturer:   Haarlem, Holland
Artist:    W. Vort & Zonen
Circa:   1901
Dimensions:   33.6mm
Weight:   16.1g

Obverse:   In the centre above, two mounted knights in armour, swords drawn, engaged in combat and below that, two foot soldiers fighting with swords and shields. The soldier to the left is recognisably Spanish. Around: “1568 – 1648 . DE . SPANJAARDE . IN . DE . VER . PROVINCIEN”. Outside a beaded border and within a cable round the rim, the legend: “HET . IS . BETER . TE . STRIJDEN . VOOR . HET . VADERLAND”. An ornamental cross with stops on each side at the top.

Reverse:   In the centre, a burning Boer farmhouse. Around: “. . . 1899 - 1901 . . . DE . ENGELSHEN . IN . ZUID . AFRIKA”. Outside a beaded border and within a cable round the rim, the legend: “. . DAN . DOOR . EEN . GEVEINSDE . VREDE . TE . WORDER . BEDROGEN”.

The silver medal comes inside a circular, lined, cardboard box with the maker’s name embossed in gold letter on the outside: "W. VORT & ZONEN / Anegang 15. / HAARLEM.".

The Dutch legends on the obverse and reverse need to be read together. Translated into English: "1568-1648 the Spanish in the distant provinces ... 1899-1901 the English in South Africa. It is better to fight for ones fatherland that to be cheated by a sham peace treaty”.

After the end of formal hostilities in 1900 with all of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State under British occupation, guerrilla warfare continued for two further years. The new Commander-in-Chief, Lord Kitchener, adopted a scorched-earth policy, burning farmhouses and crops, and imprisoning Boer women and children in concentration camps. This method of warfare was abhorred throughout Europe. Even in Britain, opponents of the war such as Emily Hobhouse were instrumental in making the British public aware of the brutalities inflicted by their country’s military actions.


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In Die Konsentrasiekamp 

 (Aliwal Noord, 1901)

 O, pazienza, pazienza che tanto sostieni! Dante.

Jou oë is nat met die trane van gister;
Jou siel is gemartel, deur smarte gepla; ...
Van vrede en pret was jy vroeër 'n verkwister;
En nou, wat bly oor van jou rykdomme?
Ja, 'n Spreekwoord tot steun—
daar's geen trooswoord beslister:
"Geduld, o geduld, wat so baie kan dra!

Hier sit jy te koes teen die wind, wat daar suie

Yskoud deur die tentseil, geskeur deur die hael—

Jou enigste skuil in die nag teen die buie;

Die Junielug stort oor die stroom van die Vaal—

Jy hoor net die hoes van jou kind, en die luie

Gedrup van die reendruppeltjies oor die paal.

'n Kers, nog maar anderhalf duim, voor hy sterwe,

Brand dof in 'n bottel hier vlak naas jou bed.

('n Kafhuis gee makliker rus: op die gerwe

Daar lê 'n mens sag, en sy slaap is gered!)

En hier in die nag laat jou drome jou swerwe

'n Aaklige rondte met trane besmet.

Hier struikel die kind, wat te vroeg was gebore;

Hier sterwe die oumens, te swak vir die stryd;

Hier kom 'n gekerm en gekreun in jou ore;

Hier tel jy met angs elke tik van die tyd;

Want elke sekond van die smart laat sy spore

Gedruk op jou hart, deur 'n offer gewyd.

En deur elke skeur in die seil kan jy duister

Die wolke bespeur oor die hemel verbrei;

Geen ster skyn as gids; na geen stem kan jy luister—

(Eentonig die hoes van jou kind aan jou sy!)

Wat sag deur die wind in jou ore kom fluister:

"Geduld, o geduld, wat so baie kan ly!

Vergewe? Vergeet? Is dit maklik vergewe?

Die smarte, die angs, het so baie gepla!

Die yster het gloeiend 'n merk vir die eeue

Gebrand op ons volk, en die wond is te na,

Te na aan ons hart en te diep in ons lewe—

"Geduld, o geduld, wat so baie kan dra!"


Source: C. Louis Leipoldt

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

1 Timothy 6:12