Item Ref# MS7432


Boer War: Cologne Honours the Victim Pres Kruger

Brief description:  This was made in Germany by the people of Cologne in raising funds for the war in the Boer
President Paul Kruger’s visit to Cologne had been to garner support, both moral and financial, for his country’s plight. It was a setback for him and an embarrassment to the people of Cologne that it was here he was informed of the refusal by Kaiser Wilhelm II to grant him an audience, despite the fact that the Transvaal Republic had spent millions of pounds on the purchase of German-manufactured arms for the War.
Contrary to the sombre sentiment of the medal, it is recorded that the inhabitants of Cologne gave the President an exuberant and festive welcome.


Material:   Silver
Manufacturer:   Cologne, Germany
Artist:   tbc
Circa:   1900
Dimensions:   36.1mm
Weight:   19.0g

Obverse:   Coat of arms of Cologne: double-headed eagle of the Holy Roman Empire holding a sword and sceptre in its talons and over its breast a shield with three crowns and eleven flames.
In an arc above, in German: “HEILIGER ERNST KEIN CARNEVAL! (deadly earnest and no carnival)”, and below: “KOLN DEN 1.-6. . DECEMBER 1900 (Cologne 1-6 December 1900)”.
Legend on a raised pebbled band: “BEISPIELLOSE VOLKSHULDIGUNG DEM PRASIDENTEN KRUGER VON TRANSVAAL (unequalled homage by the people to President Kruger of the Transvaal)” star at foot.

Reverse:   Within a circle of dots, a square plaque inscribed across: “KOLN EHRT / DAS OPFER DER / HABSUCHT UND / RETTET DIE EHRE / DER DEUTSCHEN (Cologne honours the victim of greed, and saves the honour of the Germans)”.
Outside, along the four edges of the square, clockwise from the top: “IM GLUCKE / GEFEIERT, / IM UNGLUCK / GEACHTET! (In fortune celebrated, in misfortune rejected)”.
Legend: “SEHT! WIE SIE ALLE ZU HAUSE SIND, DEN MANTEL HANGEND NACH DEM WIND! (Behold! All those who stay at home, setting their sails for the wind!)” star at foot.


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Stemme Uit Die Konsentrasiekampe 

Ek het gesien dat drie of vier lykies in een kis gegooi word en van twee tot drie kiste in een graf. Ek het self na die apteek gegaan om medisyne te kry vir ‘n kind, toe ek by die tent kom en die kind die medisyne gee, was sy asem weg, toe het ek die medisyne gevat en dit op die groen gras uitgegooi en die gras was dadelik verbrand asof daar ‘n vuur oor gegaan het.

Source: Cornelia Makwayer, 05 Oktober 1920


Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me…”

John 14:6