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Item Ref# MS7433
Boer War: Chamberlain Hanging from Gallows
Material: Silver Obverse: Coat of arms of Cologne: double-headed eagle of the Holy Roman Empire holding a sword and sceptre in its talons and over its breast a shield with three crowns and eleven flames. Reverse: Across in German: “HEIL / DEM GAUNER / LI HUNGTSCHANG; / FORT MIT KRÜGER / DEM FEINDE DER RÄUBER! / FREIHEIT DIE ICHMEINE (in quotes, line of bots above and below) WIR DEUTSCHE / FÜRCHTEN GOTT UND / ENGLAND! (Hail the rogue Li Hung-Chang; collaborator with the robber enemies of Kruger. ”Freedom as I understand it", We Germans fear God and England").
NB: There are two versions of this medal: 1) a curved brace on the gallows and 2) a straight brace on the gallows. |
Stemme Uit Die Konsentrasiekampe
Eendag het ek en ‘n paar vrouens in die veld geloop en lateraan by die slagpale uitgekom, daar het ons ‘n klompie kinders, seuntjies en dogtertjies gesien wat besig was om die derms van die geslagte skape uit te ryg, op ‘n vraag van ons wat hulle daarmee gaan doen, het hulle droewig geantwoord:”Ons wil dit gaan kook, ons het tog so honger.”
Source: E.J. Van Rensburg, 21 Junie 1921
Scripture |
And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. 1 John 5:20 |