Item Ref# MS7434


Boer War: Chamberlain Hanging from Gallows

Brief description:  This was made in Germany by the people of Cologne in raising funds for the war in the Boer
The reverse of this medal is satirical. President Kruger’s visit to Cologne Had been to garner support, both moral and financial, for his country’s plight.
It was a setback for him and an embarrassment to the people of Cologne that it was here he was informed of the refusal by Kaiser Wilhelm II to grant him an audience, despite the fact that the Transvaal Republic had spent millions of pounds on the purchase of German-manufactured arms for the War.
Contrary to the sombre sentiment of the medal, it is recorded that the inhabitants of Cologne gave the President an exuberant and festive welcome.


Material:   Bronze
Manufacturer:   Cologne, Germany
Artist:   tbc
Circa:   1900
Dimensions:   36.0mm
Weight:   tbc

Obverse:   Coat of arms of Cologne: double-headed eagle of the Holy Roman Empire holding a sword and sceptre in its talons and over its breast a shield with three crowns and eleven flames.
In an arc above, in German: “HEILIGER ERNST KEIN CARNEVAL! (deadly earnest and no carnival)”, and below: “KOLN DEN 1.-6. . DECEMBER 1900 (Cologne 1-6 December 1900)”.
Legend on a raised pebbled band: “BEISPIELLOSE VOLKSHULDIGUNG DEM PRASIDENTEN KRUGER VON TRANSVAAL (unequalled homage by the people to President Kruger of the Transvaal)” star at foot.

Reverse:   Across in German: “HEIL / DEM GAUNER / LI HUNGTSCHANG; / FORT MIT KRÜGER / DEM FEINDE DER RÄUBER! / FREIHEIT DIE ICHMEINE (in quotes, line of bots above and below) WIR DEUTSCHE / FÜRCHTEN GOTT UND / ENGLAND! (Hail the rogue Li Hung-Chang; collaborator with the robber enemies of Kruger. ”Freedom as I understand it", We Germans fear God and England").
In the exergue, a small design of a man hanging from gallows.
To the left “CHAM-” and to the right “BERLAIN”         


NB:   There are two versions of this medal: 1) a curved brace on the gallows and 2) a straight brace on the gallows.


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Stemme Uit Die Konsentrasiekampe 


Ek sal nooit vergeet nie, die suiker was vol blousteen en daar was hakies in die soutvleis. Die sterwende vee het hulle geslag en vir ons gegee om te eet . Ek het meer as een dag honger gely want die kos was eenvoudig te sleg om te eet.


Source: M.J.M. Du Preez, 03 Mei 1917


“If we say, We will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city, and we shall die there: and if we sit still here, we die also. Now therefore come, and let us fall unto the host of the Syrians: if they save us alive, we shall live; and if they kill us, we shall but die.”

2 Kings 7:4